Where Is Caressa Suzzette Madden? Her Career, & Relationship With Husband Delonte West

Caressa Suzzette Madden is the wife of Delonte West, a well-known former NBA player. While she initially drew recognition as the wife of a veteran basketball star, the subject matter of her media appearances has since shifted.

Caressa Suzzette Madden has endured as a wife as a result of Delonte’s terrible drug addiction and his sad career and financial demise. So, how is her life right now? We have provided you with information on this celebrity spouse Caressa’s work, family details, children, and much more.

Let’s get closer.

Caressa Suzzette Madden was born in a Christian home on May 13, 1988, in Dallas, Texas. She spent much of her time in her hometown before moving to Washington with her husband.

Despite her notoriety, Caressa appears to respect her parents’ privacy and has not shared much about her family members. She has also not shared much about her educational background, even though she appears to be an educated lady.

As previously said, Caressa is best known for her marriage to her husband Delonte West. During the 2011 NBA lockout, the couple met at a mutual friend’s party.

The couple hit it off right away and continued dating despite Delonte’s declining financial situation. Caressa relocated to West’s estate by the Potomac River in Fort Washington shortly after their romance began.

Delonte proposed to pregnant Caressa with a piece of thread amid dire financial circumstances. He expressed his feelings for his then-girlfriend, saying,

It’s all I can afford, darling; I’m broke, the heat isn’t working, and my brain isn’t functioning properly, but I love you.

The couple married in a low-key ceremony in 2013. Caressa gave birth to their first child, a son named Cash West, not long after they married. They reportedly have another son, although his name has not yet been revealed.

Caressa Suzzette Madden’s Difficult Pregnancy in the Face of Poverty

Caressa, 34, became pregnant with her first child shortly after meeting Delonte. However, she went through a difficult period caused mostly by a lack of funds.

Even though she moved into Delonte’s mansion in Washington, Delonte, who was having difficulty continuing in the NBA due to his arrest for gun possession, couldn’t afford much luxury for her.

Furthermore, during the 2011 NBA lockout, Caressa Suzzette Madden’s husband Delonte had to work odd jobs and couldn’t afford heating for the house. To get through the bitter weather, the couple used portable heaters and heated water on the stove to bathe.

Madden has previously been married.

Caressa Suzzatte is not Delonte’s only wife. Delonte, a former Cavalier, was formerly married to Kimberly Ashley Awad. According to Clark County documents, the two eloped and married in July 2009 in Nevada. Furthermore, the pair dated for quite some time before deciding to marry.

Unfortunately, with Delonte facing gun possession charges, their relationship soured. They divorced after only two weeks of marriage. In 2010, the divorce was finalized.

In the year 2020, Delonte’s ex-wife Kimberly is living in New York and working as a director of business development at Condé Nast.

From $16 million to a penniless man

Delonte, Caressa’s husband, had it all in his brief career. He had it all, from a net worth of $16 million to lose it all in a matter of months.

According to accounts, Delonte lost a big portion of his fortune in his divorce settlement with his first wife, Kimberly. Delonte was diagnosed with bipolar disorder shortly after the divorce.

Furthermore, he developed a heroin addiction and faced a few legal prosecutions for ammunition possession, which strained his resources. His fortunes had worsened to the point where he was sighted begging beside a petrol station in Dallas, Texas, in September 2020.

Fortunately, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks picked him up and admitted him to rehab. Delonte, the former basketball player, appears to have healed to a large extent and was photographed playing indoor hoops in a tweet on November 5, 2020.

Caressa Suzzette Madden: Where Is She Now?

Caressa had a lengthy journey with Delonte through ups and downs. However, there does not appear to be any current information about her whereabouts.

According to unsubstantiated reports, she has returned to her hometown and is living with her mother and children. Hopefully, she’ll make a public appearance soon.

Caressa Suzzette Salary

Despite her fame and celebrity, Caressa has kept her fortune hidden from the public eye. She has yet to declare her net worth.

Her husband Delonte West, on the other hand, currently has a net worth of $16 million.

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