What Did Gojo Say to Geto in Jujutsu Kaisen 0? Unraveling the Mystery

Many viewers of Jujutsu Kaisen 0 were intrigued and moved by the show’s ending. What Satoru Gojo said to Suguru Geto is an intriguing topic raised by a remarkable scenario between the two. Gojo’s murmured words are left unsaid at that precise time, prompting spectators to conjecture and consider their possible implications.

Among the conjectures is “WE’LL MEET AGAIN RIGHT?” One more says, “You are my closest friend.” My one and only. The true words are still a mystery, notwithstanding the theories. These conjectures, however, capture the nuanced and passionate bond between Gojo and Geto, which is very appealing to viewers.

Summary Table: What Did Gojo Say to Geto in Jujutsu Kaisen 0?

Key Aspect Details
Unconfirmed Speculation “WE’LL MEET AGAIN RIGHT?” reflects the cyclical nature of Gojo and Geto’s relationship.
Ending Scene in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 “You are my best friend. My one and only.” is another speculated phrase.
Gege Akutami’s Statement Gojo’s last words are hidden in Volume 0, as stated in April 2022.
Most Likely Speculation “My best friend. My one and only.” is considered the most likely candidate for Gojo’s last words.
Dates and Releases Jujutsu Kaisen 0 was published in January 2017, released as a movie in Japan in December 2020, and in the U.S. in March 2021.

Outline 1: The Mystery of Gojo’s Last Words to Geto in Jujutsu Kaisen 0


In the series, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 holds a unique position. The significance of the last moment has led to a lot of conjecture over Gojo’s final words to Geto.

Unconfirmed Speculation: “WE’LL MEET AGAIN RIGHT?”

It’s interesting to think that Gojo may have said Geto, “WE’LL MEET AGAIN, RIGHT?” It conveys optimism while symbolizing their divergent trajectories.

Ending Scene in Jujutsu Kaisen 0: “You are my best friend. My one and only.”

You are my best friend, Gojo reportedly said, according to another version. To Geto, “My one and only.” The emotional impact of this statement says a lot about their connection.

Gege Akutami’s Statement: Gojo’s Final Words in Volume 0

Gege Akutami claims that Volume 0 contains Gojo’s final remarks. Fans have conducted a thorough search as a result, yet the riddle is still unresolved.

The Speculated Truth: “My best friend. My one and only.”

“My best friend” is perhaps the most likely statement. My one and only. It is in line with the ideas of the novel and displays Gojo’s intense love for Geto.


The numerous hypotheses regarding Gojo’s words to Geto give the Jujutsu Kaisen plot more nuance. The conjecture keeps people interested even if the real words may never be known.

Outline 2: Decoding Gojo’s Final Words to Geto in Jujutsu Kaisen 0


There is no denying Jujutsu Kaisen’s popularity. There are no conclusive answers, but the mystery of what Gojo said to Geto keeps viewers interested.

The Ending Scene of Jujutsu Kaisen 0

The last exchange between Geto and Gojo is powerful. It is essential to the character’s growth, and the hushed words pique interest.

Unconfirmed Speculation: “WE’LL MEET AGAIN RIGHT?”

Their continuous disagreement is reflected in the fan theory “WE’LL MEET AGAIN RIGHT?” It fits quite nicely with their relationship’s cyclical structure.

Gege Akutami’s Clue: Gojo’s Final Words in Volume 0

Akutami Gege’s hint regarding Volume 0 has sparked speculation. Fans add to the mystery surrounding Jujutsu Kaisen by looking for the hidden message.

The Contender: “You are my best friend. My one and only.”

It’s also possible that Gojo said, “You are my best friend,” as his final words. My one and only. This theory adds nuance and understanding of character.

Emphasizing Speculation and Unconfirmed Nature

Both theories are still speculative and unproven. Fans of Jujutsu Kaisen are yet drawn to these puzzles.


The question of what Gojo said to Geto remains unsolved. Suggestions for more reading about Jujutsu Kaisen are provided, which sustains the intrigue.

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