Is it possible for anime fans to grow tired of cute and adorable anime girls? Without a doubt, the answer is no! That’s why we decided to update our five-year-old list of kawaii/cute anime girls!
Since 2015, there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of adorable anime girls, so we doubt our list will include them all. That being said, we at Honey’s Anime have discovered our personal favorites and have decided to share them with you.(Top 5 Kawaii/Cute Anime Girls)
1. Akane Kikuchi from Joshikousei no Mudazukai (Wasteful Days of High School Girl)
High school can be one of the most difficult, strange, and eventful periods of our lives as teenagers. While not everyone enjoys high school, if you’re lucky enough to have a classmate like Akane Kikuchi from Wasted Days of High School Girl, you might enjoy this tumultuous four years.

Akane is a strange girl who wears her oddity on her sleeve, demonstrating to the rest of the world—and to us otaku—that you can turn anything ordinary into something interesting. Akane is a bundle of kawaii, so watching her fills our cuteness tanks. You can never use the word cute enough when talking about Akane…a it’s written anime rule!
2. Chocola from Nekopara
Catgirls aren’t a new concept for Honey’s Anime. With the exception of a few, most catgirls are quite adorable, but none can compare to Chocola from Nekopara in terms of cuteness. Originally a visual novel, Nekopara was adapted into an anime series in early 2020, bringing our beloved Chocola to life and bringing a little joy to the world.

Chocola is a kawaii catgirl who is full of energy and almost always smiles, making her more than just a pet. Now let us all pray to the anime gods for more Nekopara in the future so we can all enjoy Chocola’s kawaii energy.
3. Hina from Kamisama ni Natta Hi (The Day I Became a God)
Our understanding of God has always been a point of contention, especially in the anime community. We’ve seen God in the form of old men and even businessmen. Our latest installment in the series The Day I Became a God is quite…cute.

Hina’s appearance in The Day I Became a God does not begin with the best news, but her continued presence is enough to bring smiles and anime energy to our otaku hearts. Hina is the reason why we otaku will never doubt the power of kawaii.
4. Aurora Suya Rhys Kaymin from Maojou de Oyasumi (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle)
Quick, when you hear the word princess, what is the first thing that comes to mind for you? Many of you probably imagined Euphemia Li Britannia from Code Geass or Asseylum Vers Allusia from Aldnoah as a princess. There is none.

These depictions would fall short of describing Aurora Suya Rhys Kaymin, our super kawaii princess. Aurora is more like a slacker than a princess, as evidenced by her sleepy expressions and the fact that she would rather nap her life away. Aurora, on the other hand, requires her beauty sleep, which we believe is what keeps her face looking kawaii and pinchable. Seriously, when will we be able to purchase Aurora figurines?
5. Rena Ryuuguu from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou (Higurashi: When They Cry – New)
Rena Ryuuguu can be quite…terrifying for those who are familiar with the Higurashi franchise’s surprise element. Rena is the definition of kawaii when she’s normal, despite the dark element with such a cute frame! Rena has wormed her way into our hearts (pun intended) by saying kyute and making some of the cutest sound effects we’ve ever heard in anime.
Rena may have a powerful evil within her spirit, but we can’t deny that she is the cutest anime girl we’ve seen in a long time and deserving of a spot on our kawaii list.

Conclusion(Top 5 Kawaii/Cute Anime Girls)
Okay, we had to include some honorable mentions like Aya Takayashiki (After School Dice Club) and Kotoha (Mitsuboshi Colors) to round out our list, but we’re sure there were plenty more we could have included. Let us know which girls you would add to our list and why they deserve to be there in the comments section below! Stay tuned to our super kawaii hive here at Honey’s Anime for even more top 5 lists and articles! Now it’s time to go on the hunt for even more adorable anime girls to adore!
Also Read: Zenitsu Agatsuma, Nezuko Kamado