D’Angelo | Workout Routine and Diet Plan | Height, Weight, Body Measurements

D’Angelo’s Workout and Diet Routine: D’Angelo is a singer, songwriter, producer, and more. He is best known for his songs, which have had a significant impact. D’Angelo began his career in the early 1990s, and I last heard from him performing in 2018.

He is still known for his incredible body physique, and he appears fit and healthy even now. So, if you want to look like D’Angelo and learn his workout and diet secrets, keep reading.

Diet Plan D’Angelo

D’Angelo used to eat a healthy diet, which helped him stay in shape over the years. However, because the current menu is unknown, I will suggest another diet plan: by following this diet, you will be able to achieve a fantastic body. The diet will be high in protein, fiber, and vitamins while being low in carbohydrates. Also, remember to drink plenty of water on a daily basis.

The D’Angelo diet includes the following:


  • Eggs
  • Toast
  • Turkey bacon


  • Protein shake


  • Chicken or turkey
  • Veggies
  • Rice

Evening Snack

  • Protein shake


  • Chicken
  • Rice
  • Veggies

Body Measurements: Height and Weight

Height 5 ft 7 inch
Weight 65 kg
Age 46 years
Chest 42 inch
Waist 32 inch
Biceps 15 inch

Workout Routine of D’Angelo

D’Angelo isn’t as active as he was when he was in his prime; the singer used to work out regularly and adhere to a strict regimen. There was little information available about D’Angelo’s current workout regimen. However, I did come across an article from when he was in his prime and what he was up to.

In that interview, the workout routine included a variety of exercises and workouts. D’Angelo used to focus on hard training and hard resting. As a result, his recovery routine was just as good as his workout. D’Angelo used to work out in this way:

  • Workout for two days
  • Rest for a day
  • Workout for three days
  • Rest for two days

Cardio, weight training, boxing, and other exercises are commonly included in the workout. So we can assume he’s doing the same thing but with slightly different exercises to work on: D’Angelo used to do a morning cardio workout and evening weight training or boxing. So, let’s look at how you can get D’Angelo’s body.

The D’Angelo workout entails:-


Every morning, the cardio routine will consist of a 30-minute run. You can go up to an hour if you have great endurance and stamina. This routine will help you lose weight while also making you look slimmer and more attractive.

Boxing and Weight Training

We’ll do simple workout routines; you can go to the gym and get results by mixing standard bodybuilding exercises with compound movements. Boxing, on the other hand, will help you get a great cardio workout while also strengthening your arms and core muscles. When training, use this method:

  • Weight training
  • Boxing
  • Rest
  • Weight training
  • Boxing
  • Weight training
  • Rest
  • Rest

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