Learn All About Charlotte Workout Routine and Diet Plan | Height and Weight

Charlotte Best’s Diet and Exercise Routine: Charlotte Best is an actress who has appeared in films and television shows such as Puberty Blues, Is This The Real World, Teenage Kicks, Soul Mates, and others. She is well-known in the United States and is gradually garnering more international recognition these days.

Charlotte Best is also well-known for her stunning physique and outgoing personality. Many Charlotte followers aspire to be like her and have a body type that makes them happy. So, if you’re interested in learning more about the Charlotte Best workout and nutrition regimen, stay reading.

Charlotte’s Healthiest Diet Plan

I advocate a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet; a Ketogenic or five-factor diet might also work. If you have a rapid metabolism, you may wish to avoid the ketogenic diet and take more carbohydrates. If your metabolism is slow, though, you can still follow this diet to achieve the best benefits.

The best diet for Charlotte is:


  • Avocado toast
  • Eggs
  • Turkey bacon


  • Protein smoothie


  • Chicken
  • Salad


  • Salmon or steak
  • Veggies
  • Ice cream (only two days a week)

Body Measurements: Height and Weight

Height 5 ft 4 inch
Weight 55 kg
Age 27 years
Breast 34 inch
Waist 25 inch
Hips 35 inch

Workout Routine

So, after doing some research on Charlotte’s routine, I looked at a number of her followers’ accounts and her Instagram account. There was, however, little information regarding her workout program or anything else. I couldn’t even find an article or source that described Charlotte’s method, therefore I can’t provide you with her training routine.

Don’t worry, though; I can still give you some exercises and routines to do in order to get Charlotte’s physique. Charlotte’s body type can be approached in a variety of ways. I would still recommend toning activities that include weight training, bodyweight exercises, and resistance band exercises. Then finish with a cardio finisher HIIT workout to burn calories and increase stamina in a short amount of time.

Consistency is crucial to achieving Charlotte’s body form, so make sure you complete these routines five days a week. Even if you skip a day, stay active throughout the day. All of these activities and exercises will assist you in achieving your goals, but results will take time to appear. So, during training, be patient and keep going.

The best workout in Charlotte is:

Workout for Toning

The toning workout will be done five days a week, and on each day, we will train our entire body using a combination of different exercises and a circuit program. As a result, we’ll do three circuits, each with four workouts and three sets of each activity. These will assist us in maintaining an overall sense of balance while exercising and toning every area of our bodies.

Circuits: 3

Exercises in each circuit: 4

Reps in each exercise: 10 to 15

Rest time after the whole circuit: 60 to 90 seconds



  • Crunches
  • Tabletop crunches
  • Plank hold for 1 minute
  • Side plank drops


  • Weighted squat
  • Resistance band squat pulse
  • Leg press
  • Leg extension


  • Grounded chest press
  • Grounded dumbbell flyes
  • Resistance band push-ups
  • Pec flyes



  • V-ups
  • In and out
  • Russian twist with a ball
  • Plank reach


  • Dumbbell squat press
  • Hack squat
  • Leg curls
  • Weighted walking lunge


  • Shoulder press
  • Dumbbell shoulder press
  • Lateral raises
  • Front raises



  • Toe touch crunches
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Plank twister
  • Star plank hold for one minute


  • Kettlebell sumo squats
  • Backward dumbbell lunge
  • Glute thruster
  • Hip abduction


  • Lat pulldowns
  • Cable rows
  • TRX rows
  • Dumbbell deadlifts



  • Incline crunches with a ball.
  • Hanging leg raises
  • Oblique hyperextension crunches
  • Abs roller


  • Overhead squats
  • Glute kickbacks
  • Resistance band donkey kickbacks
  • Ball glute bridge (hold for 5 seconds at the top)


  • Biceps dumbbell curls
  • Barbell curls
  • Hammer curls
  • Preacher curls



  • Suitcase crunches
  • Plank to toe touch
  • Side plank to crunch
  • Plank walks


  • Deep squats
  • Weighted explosive smith squats
  • Hack squats
  • Calf raises


  • Triceps one-arm pushdowns
  • Triceps overhead press
  • Triceps bench press
  • Triceps kickbacks

Finisher for Cardio

We’ll conduct a HIIT workout; I typically advise individuals to undertake a variety of cardio activities to get the most out of their workout. However, given Charlotte’s body type, I believe that a 20- to 30-minute boxing workout would be sufficient, as I noticed Charlotte tag Hustle Boxing as her new jam on Instagram. So, yes, I would recommend doing a 1-minute interval training session followed by a 30-second rest.

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