Actor and producer Pablo Schreiber is well-known. He is also well-known as the half-brother of Liev Schreiber, another well-known actor.
Everyone knows how talented he is as an actor; in fact, he is frequently referred to as Pornstache. It’s the name of his character in the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black. Fans enjoy watching him play a wacky character, yet he is a kind and devoted father of two children. Timoteo Schreiber, Pablo Schreiber’s first child, was born on October 20, 2008, and Dante Schreiber, Pablo Schreiber’s second child, was born on February 19, 2012. Pablo and Jessica Monty, his ex-wife, have joint custody of their children.
They both contribute equally to the upbringing of their children. Timoteo, like his father Pablo, appears to be a badass, adventurous, and fun-loving.
Dad who likes to try new things
Everyone knows how badass Pablo’s characters in movies and TV shows are, but did you realize he’s just as tough in real life? He enjoys activities such as surfing, mountain climbing, and many others.
Timoteo Schreiber, Pablo Schreiber’s son, likewise participates in similar adventurous activities with his father. On a sunny day, they both enjoy rock climbing and surfing.
In addition, the father-son duo enjoys going on picnics together. They’ve been seen cycling near the bank of a river on occasion, with Pablo leading the route and his son following. Both of them have a wonderful relationship.

Similarly, Pablo stated in an interview that his son prefers to spend more time with him than with his mother. Pablo previously uploaded a photo of himself and his children wearing very ridiculous headgear, but the photo demonstrated their undying love for one another. Both of his boys are basketball aficionados, much like Pablo.
Despite his hectic schedule, Pablo tries to spend as much time as possible with his children. They frequently go on lengthy rides and tours, and Timoteo’s father shoots images of the two, which he later posts on Instagram with a touching remark.
We can presume that Pablo is his son’s hero, just like every other child. Why shouldn’t he be? He’s a fearless and loving father who everyone adores. He’s also doing well in his acting career, with a number of projects set to premiere in the coming year.
Divorce of Timoteo Schreiber Parents
Jessica Monty, Pablo Schreiber’s ex-wife, is a yoga instructor who is also a fantastic cook. Both the couple and their wedding vows were exchanged in 2007.
Jessica filed for divorce in 2013 after the couple had been married for years. The couple eventually split up, and their divorce was formalized in 2015.
Jessica fought for full custody of their children during their divorce. She did, however, agree to share joint custody of their two children afterwards.

Furthermore, Pablo was only given a few moments to speak in his defense. In fact, his ex-girlfriend Jessica had the upper hand throughout the divorce proceedings.
Jessica was reportedly paid spousal support of $8,500 per month and a divorce settlement of over $93 thousand after their divorce.
Toimoteo Schreiber’s parents take good care of their children despite their separation. Furthermore, Toimoteo and his siblings have a close relationship with their parents.
Timoteo Schreiber was born in the city of Timoteo in the province of Ti Timoteo Schreiber, the name of Pablo Schreiber’s son, is of Greek origin and means “God’s honor.”
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