Muge, also known as Miyo “Muge” Sasaki, is the main character in Nakitai Watashi Wa Neko Wo Kaburu ( A Whisker Away).
Wearing a Cat Mask, she transforms into a cat to interact with Kento Hinode. Taro is the name of her cat.
Voice Actor of Muge
In the Japanese version, she is voiced by Mirai Shida, and in the English version, she is voiced by Cherami Leigh.

Miyo is a lovely young lady with unkempt light brown hair that she wears in a messy ponytail on occasion. She is of average height and usually wears her school uniform, which is in a sloppy state with a portion of her t-shirt untucked from her skirt.
Taro has bright blue eyes, white fur around her eyes, and light brown fur around her nose and on the tip of her tail.
Miyo is portrayed as a bright young lady with a boisterous personality who is always able to express herself clearly. She also has no qualms about expressing herself and displaying her feelings.
When Kento said he hated her but had no desire to give up on him when her letter was read aloud to the class, she became very upset.

Miyo Sasaki was born in Tokoname, Japan, into a nuclear family of the upper-middle class. She despised her mother and the newer family, which included her stepmother because she believed her mother and father had abandoned her.
Miyo also has the impression that her stepmother is attempting to take her mother’s place, which bothers her. Miyo’s family became more concerned about their daughter as a result of the changes and her disappearance.
Miyo Sasaki becomes enraged with her mother on the day of the local shrine festival and flees to a nearby bridge. She comes across a mysterious cat who sells masks to people who want to escape their daily lives and society.
She transforms into her cat self every time she meets Kento Hinode and frequently avoids family issues, causing their relationship and lives to go through emotional turmoil.

Kento Hinode
Hinode Sunshine Attack
Miyo attacks Kento Hinode from behind in the morning of the school day on her way to the classroom, barefoot, and cheerfully announces the name of her performed charm.
Miyo stayed up all night writing Kento a letter, pouring out all of her emotions and feelings about how she felt about him.
She is determined to deliver her letter to Kento the next day at school. Bannai and Niibori, two of her classmates, snatch the letter from her hands while she is doing so.
Bannai opens the letter with a snarky look on his face, then proceeds to call her “pathetic” as she went all out on the letter, prompting Niibori to ask if he is really going to read it out loud.
While reading the letter, Miyo tries but fails to return it, and Bannai calls her “desperate” for Kento, mocking her feelings for him, which enrages her.

Kento then takes the letter from Bannai and stares coldly at Miyo, clearly expressing his embarrassment at the situation and disappointment in Miyo.
As Banni chants “confession time!” Miyo becomes nervous and pushes the teacher’s desk over on top of him; Miyo then looks for Kento to accept her confession, but he crumples up the paper and tells her he hates pushy people like her before telling her he hates her. Hearing this, Miyo bursts into tears and flees, Yoriko chasing after her.
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