Marvin Vettori | Workout Routine and Diet Plan | Height, Weight, Body Measurements

Marvin Vettori’s Workout and Diet Routine: Marvin Vettori is an MMA fighter who competes in the UFC Middleweight Division and is set to face champion Israel Adesanya in the near future. Oh, that’s going to be a fight to remember. He’s currently ranked third in the UFC middleweight division.

Marvin is also known for his fighting style and stamina, which he displays in longer fights with round 5. So, if you’re interested in the Marvin Vettori workout routine and diet plan, keep reading.

Diet Plan of Marvin Vettori

Marvin eats a healthy diet, especially during training camp. The diet is high in protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables, as well as healthy fats. Marvin, on the other hand, hasn’t stated what he likes to eat.

So whatever diet I give you is based on a post on Marvin’s Instagram account. So it won’t be Marvin’s diet, but it will help you get in shape like him and be appropriate for a start.

The following foods are included in Marvin Vettori’s diet:


  • Chicken sausage
  • Fruits
  • Avocado toast
  • Eggs


  • Protein bar


  • Chicken breast
  • Veggies
  • Rice

Evening Snack

  • Protein smoothie


  • Salmon or chicken/sometimes steak
  • Veggies
  • Salad

Body Measurements: Height and Weight

Height 6 ft
Weight 84 kg
Age 27 years
Chest 44 inch
Waist 32 inch
Biceps 16 inch

Workout Routine of Marvin Vettori

Marvin is one of the best fighters in the current UFC middleweight division, and he is currently ranked third among all UFC middleweight fighters. So he’s one of the fighters you don’t want to mess with, but Israel is the champion with a record that is both impressive and frightening. So, how is Marvin getting ready for his battle with Israel?

To figure that out, I looked up his workout and found a different one because Marvin does a lot of mixed routines that include MMA, Pad workouts, sparring, cardio, weight training, strength training, and other things. Plus, I don’t believe it’s all that different from the routine he was already following for Kevin Holland when he won.

I even checked Marvin’s Instagram, where he is quite active and posts many of his routine clips, to get all of the latest updates. So there was nothing new from Marvin that we hadn’t seen before, but he is undergoing some mental training. However, in terms of the workout itself, it primarily consists of Pad workouts, cardio, weight training, boxing, sparring, and other similar activities.

So, let me give you a quick routine to get you started on getting fit like Marvin. The workout will take place over six days, and we will train for at least three to four hours each day. The workout will be divided into two parts so that we can rest before the next one.

The following are some of the exercises performed by Marvin Vettori:


It’s usually cardio and weight training in the morning, with some strength and core training thrown in for good measure. I can’t give you Marvin’s routine, but I can suggest a few exercises that you can incorporate into your own to make it more effective:

  • Sumo deadlift
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Snatch
  • Kettlebell lunge
  • Sled Push and pull
  • Battle rope
  • Bench press
  • Military press
  • Farmers walk


In the evening, you’ll concentrate on your workout, such as MMA, sparring, boxing, and so on. Pad workouts, some heavy sparring, defensive training, submission training, and so on are usually included. All of this makes the workout quite exhausting, and you burn a lot of calories. You’ll be fine if you keep the workout to about two hours.

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