Kira Stokes Diet Plan and Workout Routine | Height, Weight, Body Measurements

Kira Stokes‘ Workout and Diet Routine:  Stokes is a certified personal trainer who has worked with a number of celebrities. She has always been in excellent physical condition. It’s difficult for Kira to find time for her workout when she’s teaching so many clients every day.

Despite this, she maintains her fitness through a fantastic workout routine. I’m sure you’re curious as to what the Kira Stokes workout entails, as well as what Stokes’ diet plan entails. So don’t worry; in this article, I’ll go over everything about Stokes’ exercise and diet.

The workout routine of Stokes

Kira Stokes, as we all know, is a personal trainer, so she is constantly dealing with her clients. She gets about 20 to 30 minutes of rest during that time before another client arrives.

As a result, Kira Stokes only works out at that time. As a result, her daily routine includes a lot of cardio, warm-up, and full-body workout. She keeps her body active by doing a variety of exercises that ensure her entire body is worked out.

Before we begin the workout, you should be aware that it will primarily consist of light exercise. So, if you all want to give it a shot, make sure you have some medium or lightweight material on hand. She does this routine about six times a day, which helps her burn over a thousand calories. So, it’s safe to say that this is going to be a lot of fun.

Kira Stokes’ workout routine does not include any rest periods. As a result, it will be as if you are jumping from one set to the next without taking a break. You’ll be working out for 20 minutes straight with no breaks, which is what keeps her energized.

In one of her interviews, Kira Stokes mentioned that she has 20 to 30 minutes until a client arrives. She prefers to do a high-intensity workout at that time, rather than using her phone and relaxing, so she can feel energized before another client arrives.

The majority of Kira Stokes’ workout focuses on posture chain exercises. Muscles in the upper back, hips, core, and thighs are all part of the posture chain. She also dislikes sitting and relaxing throughout the day, particularly when working with clients. So, let’s get started with her workout regimen.

The workout routine of Kira


Stokes’ warm-up routine consists of a five-minute sprint or jump rope circuit.

This workout is simply to get your blood flowing throughout your body. As a result, the body will warm up. She prefers to jump rope and sprint, but any other cardio machine, such as a water rover or even air biking, will suffice. They’re both good for raising your heart rate. Don’t push yourself too hard; this is just a warm-up.


Kira Stokes enjoys doing a cardio routine that includes high-intensity interval training, which is an excellent way to burn calories and raise your heart rate.

Simply sprint for 30 seconds and then walk for 30 seconds on an incline. Increase the speed as well as the incline level with each successful round to achieve more effective results.

Full-Body Workout by Kira

Her full-body workout is the most important part of her workout. It’s similar to circuit training in that she won’t be resting in between exercises. If she wants to take a break, she will only be able to do so for 30 to 60 seconds after she has completed the entire set. As a result, Kira Stokes performs nearly three sets in each circuit routine and five circuit routines per day.

First session Kira Stokes workout

Exercise: circuit training

Set: 3

Rest: 30 seconds after every set

Reps: 20 reps

  • Globe Squats
  • Jumping Squats
  • Butt kick
  • Push-ups to knee tuck in

Session four Kira Stokes Workout

Exercise: cardio routine

Set: 3

Rest: 30 seconds after every set

Reps: 30 seconds to 50 seconds

  • Forward hop to Burpees to backward hop to squat jump
  • Mountain climbers
  • Jump rope

Session two Kira Stokes Workout

Exercise: circuit training

Set: 3

Rest: 30 seconds after every set

Reps: 20 reps

  • Renegade row
  • Tricep kickback
  • Push-up
  • Burpees
  • Ball slam
  • Plank saw

Session three Kira Stokes Workout

Exercise: circuit training

Set: 3

Rest: 30 seconds after every set

Reps: 20 reps

  • Deadlift to barbell bicep curls
  • Overhead press
  • Tricep extension
  • Russian twist ball toss

Session five Kira Stokes Workout

Exercise: glutes

Set: 5

Rest: 30 seconds after every set

Reps: 20 reps

  • Resistance band glute bridge
  • Resistance band Knee bridge


Stokes prefers to cool down by doing handstand walks. Her daily routine comes to an end with this exercise.

So, as you can see from this article, we covered every aspect of Kira Stokes’ basic workout. So, if you want to try these exercises, you can get started right away, and you can also go to the Stokes fitness app to find a variety of other workouts that will suit your needs. Stephanie Sanzo’s Workout Routine and Diet Plan are also worth checking out.

Diet of Kira

Kira Stokes maintains a healthy lifestyle. Her diet is made up of light, easy-to-digest foods that are high in protein. Every day, she will consume a total of seven meals. Kira divides all of those meals in such a way that her body receives the proper amount of nutrition.

Stokes also drinks a lot of water throughout the day, but it’s not good for your health if you don’t drink water with your meal. Also, make sure you don’t have any cheat meals or only have them on occasion. Kira makes an effort to eat as few cheat meals as possible.

Kira Breakfast Meal

  • Coffee
  • Oatmeal
  • Almonds
  • Eggs

Stokes Pre-lunch Meal

  • Sushi
  • Protein bar

Kira Stokes Lunch Meal

  • Kale salad
  • Veggies
  • Chicken

Stokes Post-lunch Meal

  • Granny smith apple

Kira Pre-dinner Meal

  • Protein smoothie


  • Quinoa
  • Vegetables
  • Chicken

Kira Dinner Meal

  • Egg white omelet
  • Veggies

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