Explore Kerry Sanders net worth, age, height, bio, birthday, wiki, and salary! In this article, you will see Sanders’s family, spouse, children, parents, body measurements & much more. Also discover how tall is your favorite celebrity and how rich is Kerry Sanders?

Name Kerry Sanders
Occupation Journalist
Birthday October 19
Birth Year 1960
Place of Bir. h New York City
Home Town New York
Birth Country United States
Birth Sign Capricorn
Full/Birth Name
Father Not Available
Mother Not Available
Siblings Not Available
Spouse Deborah Sharp
Children(s) Not Available

Kerry Sanders Biography

Kerry Sanders is one of the most popular and richest Journalist who was born on October 19, 1960 in New York City, New York, United States. As oJournalists2023, Kerry Sanders has a net wor, of approximately $5 Million.

Kerry Sanders (born October 19, 1960) is an American journalist. He is a correspondent for NBC News. He worked as a general news reporter for several Florida television stations including WTLV in Jacksonville, FL (where he worked as a paid intern), WINK in Ft. Myers, WTVT, the CBS and later Fox affiliate in Tampa, and WTVJ (NBC) in Miami. He is a 1982 graduate of the University of South Florida, from which he received his bachelor’s degree and later a Distinguished Alumni Award. In 1996, he became a correspondent for NBC News, based in the network’s Miami bureau. He was immediately thrust into a major story, when the ValuJet crash occurred in the Everglades just days after he began with NBC.

In 200, Sanders and an NBC cameraman had exclusive coverage of the Federal raid to free Elian Gonzalez, the 6-year-old Cuban boy held by his relatives in Miami when the Federal Government ordered he had to be returned to his father in Cuba after his mother died in the waters off the coast of Florida while trying to reach the USA. Sanders’ coverage as pool reporter (he is bilingual and fluent in Spanish) on that event was seen on competing networks, such as Univision, Telemundo, and CNN.

Ethnicity, religion & political views

Many peoples want to know what is Kerry Sanders ethnicity, nationality, Ancestry & Race? Let’s people out! As per public resource Sanders’s & Wikipedia, Kerry Sanders’s ethnicity i. Not Known. We will update Kerry Sanders’s religion & political views in this article. Please recheck the article after a few days.

religiousness Net Worth

Kerry Sanders is one of the richest Journalist from United States. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business InsiJournalists in the rs‘s net worth $5 Million.

Net Worth $5 Million
Salary Under Review
Source of Income Journalist
Cars Not Ais available
House Living In Own House.

He is well known for his Hurricane coverage, including Hurricanes Andrew, Ivan, and Katrina. He has also been on the front lines in both Desert Storm in 1991 and as an embedded reporter with the US Marines during the Iraq War in 2003. He had previously worked with NBC reporter David Bloom at WTVJ in Miami, who died from an embolism caused by DVT while also covering the Iraq war along with Sanders.

Kerry Sanders Wife

According to our records, Kerry Sanders married to Deborah Sharp. As of January 12, 2023, Kerry Sanders’s is not dating anyone.

RelationshiRecord: We have no records of past relationships Sanders. You may help us to build the dating records for Kerry Sanders!

Height, Weight & Body Measurements

Kerry Sanders’s height is 5 ft 5 in weight is Not Known & body measurements will be updated soon.

Height 5 Ft 5 In
Weight Not Known
Body Measurements Under Review
Eye Color Not Available
Hair Color Not Available
Feet/Shoe Size Not Available