How Did Sean Murray Lose So Much Weight? All You Need To Know About His Transformation!

In 2003, Sean Murray was slated to appear in only one episode of the CBS show NCIS.

However, due to a series of fortunate occurrences, the actor’s position as special agent Timothy McGee in the enormously popular drama was renewed, and he is now one of the show’s most well-known faces.

After over two decades and 18 seasons of playing the same character in the same program, the character has matured considerably.

McGee is undoubtedly the character in the program who has evolved the most over time. Murray’s character isn’t the only one who has transformed; the actor’s shift has garnered a lot of notice from his admirers.

Murray is Choosing to Eat Healthier Foods

Murray has recently gained the attention of NCIS fans due to apparent changes in his appearance, as he now appears to be a lot thinner than he was only a few months ago.

Murray revealed to Studio 10 that he had been lazy in the past, but said he was now eating much better and taking advantage of every opportunity he had to take care of himself.

You know how easy it is to get lazy on set and eat a lot of food and do all kinds of things. So you try to keep a close eye on yourself and take care of yourself whenever possible. And, you know, whenever I’ve got any spare time recently, I’ve taken use of it to try and take better care of myself, eat better, and so on.

He went on to say that any weight gain or decrease he had was more obvious because it showed on his face.

Murray’s voice change drew a lot of attention as well.

Murray’s metamorphosis has gotten him a lot of attention from NCIS fans in the past. After seven seasons, McGee’s voice changed from a quiet growl to a raspy growl in 2010.

Sean Murray had given up smoking and had shed 25 pounds at the time. After the story gained a lot of attention, he even tweeted about how he lost weight. He admitted to following an organic diet for 14 months and abstaining from sugar and alcohol.

Following Murray’s announcement that he had lost 25 pounds, many fans assumed that the change in his voice was due to a healthier lifestyle and the cessation of smoking. Excess weight can lighten a man’s voice due to increased production and storage of feminine hormones, according to scientists.

While the argument seems reasonable, and many people believe it, some fans believe the change in voice was done on purpose to better reflect the developing McGee. He’d come a long way from being a newbie to being a seasoned agent, after all.

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