Cole the Cornstar’s Girlfriend found A Boyfriend and Best Friend in the same person

Nave, Cole The Cornstar’s girlfriend, is a very lucky girl because she not only has a boyfriend but also a kind best friend. The couple has been together for almost two years and their bond is just growing stronger as time passes.

Every couple wants their other half to be a little bit of both a lover and a best friend. Cole The Cornstar appears to have recently found love, based on his relationship status.

Hneiva Uranga – Nave, a fellow YouTuber, is in a relationship with the YouTuber. Things appear to be going well between them today, as the two frequently flaunt each other on their various social media accounts. Now that you’ve got the gist, let’s dive into the specifics of how the two met and what happened to Nave.

The Couple has been dating for two years

The boyfriend-girlfriend pair first met in late January of this year. Cole and Nave initially met on the side of the road when she needed help rescuing her car from a snowbank.

Cole claims that his first meeting with her was enough for him to fall in love with her. He instantly followed her on Instagram and began sending her messages after getting Nave’s car out of the snowbank.

Nave, on the other hand, was first uninterested in him. However, as they conversed, she grew to like him, and on February 5, 2019, they formally began dating.

Cole The Cornstar Girlfriend
Source: youtube

Both of them have always been spotted together since that awful day. Because they are both YouTubers, they frequently appear in each other’s videos.
Furthermore, the couple has been seen exchanging birthday and special occasion greetings. For example, on August 19, 2019, a day after Cole’s 22nd birthday, Nave used her Instagram account to upload a photo from that day.

Similarly, on December 5, 2019, Nave revealed some of the unforgettable moments she shared with Cole in the form of photos and short movies, marking the tenth month of their relationship.

She accompanied the photo with a touching comment about the difficult moments they went through, as well as the numerous things she learned with Cole’s help. She expressed her love for her bright and quirky best friend/boyfriend towards the end of her caption.

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Nave Also Thinks of Cole as Her Best Friend

The YouTube relationship isn’t just lovers; the Youtuber’s girlfriend considers him a best friend as well.

For example, when she became a legal motorcycle driver in Iowa on July 18, 2020, she used the occasion to upload a nice photo of herself kissing her partner with their motorcycles in the background.

She also credited her “best friend” for the accomplishment in the comment, saying she couldn’t wait to arrange motorcycle adventures with him.

On September 3, 2020, she wrote on Instagram that when people question if Cole is her boyfriend or best friend, she responds that he is both.

Cole has been listed as Nave’s best friend in several of her blog articles. As a result, it appears that the “best-friends” are not only becoming stronger but increasingly inseparable as time passes.

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