Here Are Some Things You Need To Know About Christine McConnell Including Her Husband – Gantt McConnell!

If you’re still looking for some spooky fun after Halloween, check out Christine McConnell‘s Netflix cookery show, The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell.

McConnell, a photographer, stylist, Instagram influencer, and cookbook author, is most known for her Netflix series in which she creates amazing delicious delicacies. On October 12, 2018, the series premiered. Here are some interesting facts about the famous baker.

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The Netflix Show of Christine McConnell

Her Instagram is full of spooky delicious baked goodies that resemble creepy animals and haunted Victorian homes. Insect bacchanal, pastry face-hugger from Alien, and shrine-like birthday cake for Freddie Mercury are just a few examples.

Netflix infused the baking parts with morbid humor, and the show is often regarded as the best show on Netflix for celebrating Halloween. McConnell, who had a strong desire for a Netflix show, did not expect to get the go-ahead, but she did.

I didn’t think it was possible, but that was our first pitch, and they immediately called. Unfortunately, Netflix canceled the quirky baking show after only one season.

Following her time on Netflix, she established her own monthly YouTube series, ‘From the Mind of Christine McConnell,’ which is only available to Patreon backers who help her achieve her dark goals.

Her new show was also about creation, but this time she documented the process rather than teaching viewers how to accomplish something. As a result, her series featured more “how-to” aspects than the Netflix series. She’s taken viewers through an insanely complicated goth-tinged project, converted a $100 pull-out sofa into a pricey Victorian masterpiece, and shared DIY project tips and tactics that might save viewers a lot of money.

Christine McConnell’s Husband McConnell, who did everything on her own, may not have been able to do everything on her own. She authored, starred in, and edited the show, making sure that her Patreon backers were well-served.

Gantt McConnell, her husband, was brought in to provide music and a cameraman for the show. Her husband assisted her with filming and editing, as well as creating all of the music from scratch. McConnell, who has amassed a sizable internet following over the years, kept her marriage a secret. But, because her husband contributed to her new show, she realized it wouldn’t be fair to keep his identity hidden.

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Christine McConnell’s Position on Children

McConnell is not interested in having children, regardless of gender, as she stated on Jeff Dye’s Friendship Podcast. Her reasoning was that she was scared that her children would not share her love of all things spooky and gory.

She also believed that having children was risky because she would never know how her child would turn out in the future as a parent, and she feared that her child would turn out horribly.

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