The New Year heralds in new beginnings, but Carson King, sadly, had a bad start to the year.
CallMeCarson, a renowned Twitch gamer, was accused of having inappropriate discussions with minors and of “grooming” one of his young admirers.
CallMeCarson Allegations: Victims and Former Partners
Sam, an 18-year-old woman, was his first complainant, and she came out via a Twitter thread. King was accused of “grooming,” which is defined as “when someone establishes a friendship, trust, and emotional connection with a child or young person in order to manipulate, exploit, and abuse them.”
She claimed she was just 17 years old when she tweeted King, who was 19 years old at the time. Then, on Twitter and Discord, King began sending her private messages. Sam also included inappropriate and suggestive screenshots of King’s reply.
Following Sam’s allegations, another claimed victim, “@Copiicatt,” came forward and revealed in a tweet that she and King traded nude Snapchat photos when she was 17 and he was 20. After the claims were made public, former collaborators like JOKO, Keemstar, and Charlie Dalgleish came forward with their own King experiences. So, where did CallMeCarson go?
Since the claims, King has been missing from all of his social media accounts and has not publicly replied to the charges. King, though, has finally spoken after months of silence.
Is CallMeCarson Returning to Social Media?
King tweeted a six-word statement on June 20 that has received over 163,000 likes and 23,000 retweets. Although it’s unclear what he’s talking about, the tweet hints he’ll reply to the charges against him shortly.

His remark was met with a barrage of criticism, with Twitter users accusing him of pedophilia and demanding that his account be deactivated.
This was his first public statement since an error in May, when he accidentally posted a photo of US Vice President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, along with their polling numbers for the September 2020 elections.
He erased this tweet and then deleted a second one that said, “unintentional tweet, keep on.”
He made his first official public appearance on August 13 on Twitch streamer Matthew “Mizkif” Rinaudo’s stream. Mizkif’s YouTube introductions were done by King, who later came in the stream and asked for directions to the bathroom.
King is also seen wandering about Mizkif’s room and expressing his desire to see it. He then confessed that he had secretly viewed all of Mizkif’s videos and that he actually enjoyed all of Mizkif’s streaming.
Audiences were taken aback to see him return so quickly, let alone in such a dramatic fashion. And, predictably, they had conflicting feelings about it. Some admirers were ecstatic to see him, but others reminded the Twittersphere of King’s charges.
It appears like King is testing the waters in preparation for his comeback.
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